Tonight was the first evening of a M.O.M.S group at my church. I wasn't quite sure what to expect. My only other experience was a moms group at my previous parish, and I only made it to a few meetings due to it being during the day and I work full time. I was thrilled when I saw the opportunity come up for this group in the evenings at our new church.
I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed this first night. I hadn't realized, but it's been some time since I took time to nurture the sacred within myself. I was definitely due. I've always felt it's a blessing to be a mother, and I take great awe in the gift that God has given me in our children. I know am truly blessed. But sometimes I think motherhood can be overwhelming too and can get the best of us and our good intentions. We need to take time out to be quiet in the Lord, time to strengthen our spirits and refresh our souls, time to open our hearts and let the Lord speak to us and guide our daily steps and our very motherhood.
I'm glad I took a time-out tonight and journeyed to the M.O.M.S group this evening. It lifted my spirit and reminded me that motherhood in its self is a ministry. I'm called to minister to my husband and my sweet sugar pies in all I do each and every day, no matter if it's doing the dishes, laundry or putting a band-aid on some one's knee. I'm called to do it all in His name and with love.
There's a picture that I adore. It's called the Polish Madonna. It always reminds me that no matter how hard things are, how tired I get or how thankless a chore may seem...Mary was there before me. She did laundry just like me, she potty trained Jesus just like I potty trained my little ones, she wiped His little mouth, she snuggled Jesus in her arms before bed and so much more. She walked this very path I walk as I mother my children. What a beautiful role model Jesus has given us through her.
So dear friends take care to always nurture the sacred within. It only betters the woman within as she works on her own holiness and her own ministry of motherhood.
Loveeeeeeee you!